Friday, November 6, 2009

The Edge

Why is it that we refuse to go over the edge, yet, find it "okay" to get close enough to look over it?  Elder Larry Gibbons of the Seventy says, "We cannot keep one foot in the Church and one foot in the world."  Those who desire to not be "of the world" will wisely heed his counsel:  "Don't drift; don't wander; don't dabble; be careful.  Remember, [we can] not flirt with evil.  Stay out of the devil's territory.  Don not give Satan any home-field advantage."  In other words, stay far away from the edge.  Remember to stay in the middle of the straight and narrow path.  Remember, to leave the light, all we have to do is take one step into the dark.  To stay safe, the thing we must do is ask ourselves each and every day:  Am I driting?  Am I dabbling?  Am I wandering?  Am I flirting a little with the things of the world?  Am I giving any home-field advantage to the adversary?  Sisters, to hold back Babylon, we must know how to live in the world but not be of the world.  And we must do it faithfully each and every day.  (page 48 "Women of Virtue")

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