Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tile Crafts for Young Women-Virtue Quotes

Email me at
and I will email you the jpg files for these handouts.

When I speak to Young Women's groups
and give my presentation entitled "The Beauty of Virtue",
there are several quotes that I emphasize.

Some leaders have requested that I create a HANDOUT
so they can give a little something to the girls on the night that I speak.
These tiles are what I've come up with. I have 4X4's and 4X6's.


If you would like to use these, just email me and I'll email you the files.

I'm happy to share!

1) Print the quote onto a 4X6 photo and frame in an inexpensive frame.
The dollar store or the Wal-Mart frame section has frames for $1.00.
2) Decoupage' the 4X4 photo onto a tile (from Home Depot or Lowes).
Distress with distressing ink all around the edges.
3) Use for invitation, thought, or bookmark.

<><><><><> </></></></></></></><><><>
4X6 and 4X4 available
This has a white border around it so you can't see it.

The Lilly is printed on WHITE paper, so you won't see the border here.
o finish it off, I tie a purple ribbon across the top.

You can see a finished one here on my blog:
 Tile with ribbon

or if you need me to make modifications, just email me at
I'm happy to share!


  1. Those look great Jodi! So nice of you to do all the work and let so many people benefit!

  2. Hi Jodi! I was wondering if I could get the files for those handouts. I would love to be able to use them for Young Women In Excellence invitations. I tried emailing you, but it wouldn't work.
