Thursday, May 20, 2010

Book Review--The Parable of the Golden Pathway by Jenny Phillips

I admit it.  I'm a page surfer.  That's what I call a person who curiously opens up a book and reads the first few pages to test out the water and then skims a few in the middle, before sneaking a peek at the ending to see how it all works out.  (Weird, I know.  Am I the only one who doesn't mind reading a book even though she knows how it's going to end?  Do I need therapy or what?!)

So, yesterday, I purchased Jenny Philllips NEW book, The Parable of the Golden PathwayAnd, yes, I was in my "surfing" mode.  Cramming in a quick "surf" while watching my son at the skate park and taking my daughter to a band concert, I perused the 20-something page storybook with unanticipated expectations.  Big mistake! 

Later on, when life quieted down, I immersed myself in the 20-something pages and realized all the beautiful analogies I had missed in that quick surf at the beginning of my day. 
The Parable of the Golden Pathway is a powerful little parable.  "The story recounts the travels of three young siblings, Sarah, Ori, and Tabitha, along the golden pathway to the kingdom of the Light Maker."  It illustrates the temptations, trials, consequences, and rewards that youth—and others—face in their daily journey to obey God’s laws.  The book promises that you will see yourself in the three main characters as they struggle to remain on the path and reach the Ligh Maker's kingdom.   

I see a Family Home Evening Lesson in sight.  (I'll let you know how it turns out.) 

YOUNG WOMEN IDEAS:  By the way, Jenny Phillips offers some suggestions for Young Womens activities at Resources at  You'll want to check those out.

For Jenny Phillips' The Parable of the Golden Pathway, I give it my GOLD STAR. 

Take time to sit down and read this inspiring parable to your children. It's worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodi!
    I thought I was the only one who "page surfed"! I must admit to feeling a bit guilty at surfing the ending but I do it any way :)
    Love You!
