Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today’s Book Review: I’ll Know You By Heart by Kimberly Job

If you're looking for "clean" fiction, book reviews are the way to go especially when you're dealing with sensitive topics. How many times have you picked up a book thinking it would decent and by the third page you're disappointed? I'll post some suggestions for book review blogs later in this post. If you have any you'd like to add, feel free to post your comment.

Clean fiction that deals with hard topics. I can suggest such a book. I had the privilege of reviewing Valor Publishing's latest romance novel; I'll Know You By Heart. One woman's emotional journey of overcoming abuse, saving her family, and finding new love. Author, Kimberly Job, deals sensitively with the topic of domestic violence, but also doesn't sugar coat it. I'm a sunny-side up kind of reader so when I know a book deals with a hard topic sensitively I appreciate it.

Kimberly allows her main characters to fall in love through friendship, which makes the love story between Stephanie and Jared believable, although, the book doesn't deliver the whole story simply because it can't. Lasting effects of abuse can't be tidied up just because it's the last page. I'm a bit of a skeptic in that way. I believe writing about abuse can be tricky, yet, it can be done cleanly. I can assure you that the author tastefully writes about a broken marriage and family life, but wraps a love story around it that leaves you feeling hopeful and happy—for the main character and for her children.

I've never had to heal from a wrench in my gut because the someone I loved physically betrayed me. I've not known such personal pain, but, through my work with women at the House of Hope, I know women who have. If we don't talk about it, we can't understand it and we can't help fix it. I believe that.

Domestic violence affects one in every four women (Bureau of Justice Statistics). That's a statistic I hope someday we can eradicate. May the Stephanie's of the world find the Jared's of the world. Now that would be sunny-side-up.

Question of the Day: What Book Reivew Blogs do you recommend? Post your comment.

Me?  Where do I go?  ANSWER:  I go to my friend Holly. She knows exactly what I like and every recommendation she gives me I love. Too bad I can't give you her phone number.

Book Review Blogs,,


  1. Thanks for the review, Jodi! Ever since I found your blog, I've been a faithful follower. I'd love to learn more about your work at the House of Hope.

  2. You could give me her phone number though. It is fun to browse your blog and know what you are up to.
